What amenities are provided at The Hosteller?

What amenities are provided at The Hosteller?

At The Hosteller, we strive to provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience for our guests by offering a range of amenities. To find specific amenities provided at each hostel, we have made it easy for you to access the information through our website and WhatsApp service.

To check the amenities for a particular hostel on our website, follow these steps:

  1. Visit our website at www.thehosteller.com.

  2. Click on the 'Hostels' tab.

  3. Select your preferred location.

  4. On the respective hostel page, you will find detailed information about the amenities provided.

Additionally, you can refer to the 'Hostel FAQs' section in The Hosteller Support Center for a particular hostel. This section provides answers to frequently asked questions and may include information about the amenities available.

If you prefer to check the amenities through WhatsApp, follow these steps:

  1. Send a message to 9810187717.

  2. In the Main Menu, tap on the 'Book Hostel' option.

  3. Select the hostel location.

  4. Tap on the 'About the Hostel' option.

  5. Then select the 'Hostel Amenities' option.

  6. Follow the prompts in the chat flow to access the information.

Whether you choose to explore the amenities on our website or through WhatsApp, we ensure that you have easy access to the information you need to make an informed decision about your stay at The Hosteller.

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