FAQs for The Hosteller Manali

The Hosteller Manali

Q: What is the nearest railway station to The Hosteller Manali?
A: The nearest railway station to The Hosteller Manali is Joginder Nagar.

Q: What is the nearest airport to The Hosteller Manali?
A: The nearest airport to The Hosteller Manali is Bhunter.

Q: What is the nearest bus stand to The Hosteller Manali?
A: The nearest bus stand to The Hosteller Manali is Manali Bus Stand.

Q: Which city is The Hosteller Manali connected to the nearest?
A: The Hosteller Manali is connected to the nearest city, Kullu.

Q: What modes of transport can guests avail to reach The Hosteller Manali? (Kindly mention all the modes of transport)
A: Guests can reach The Hosteller Manali by taking a bus or a taxi. They can also use their private vehicle.

Q: How can guests reach The Hosteller Manali from the nearest railway station, Joginder Nagar?
A: Guests can reach The Hosteller Manali from Joginder Nagar railway station by taking a bus or a taxi.

Q: How can guests reach The Hosteller Manali from the nearest airport, Bhunter?
A: Guests can reach The Hosteller Manali from Bhunter airport by taking a taxi or a bus.

Q: How can guests reach The Hosteller Manali from the nearest bus stand, Manali Bus Stand?
A: Guests can walk or take a cab or an auto-rickshaw to reach The Hosteller Manali from Manali Bus Stand.

Q: How can guests reach The Hosteller Manali if they are traveling by their own vehicle?
A: Guests can reach The Hosteller Manali by taking their own vehicle. The hostel is just 1 km away from the Mall Road toward the Old
Manali Road.

Q: Is there a local market near The Hosteller Manali? If yes, how far is it from the hostel?
A: Yes, there is a local market approximately 700 to 800 meters away from The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Is the market near The Hosteller Manali accessible by walking, or do guests need to take a vehicle?
A: The market near The Hosteller Manali is walkable, or guests can call any cab person if they are available.

Q: Does The Hosteller Manali offer pick & drop service? If yes, kindly elaborate on the available options.
A: Yes, The Hosteller Manali offers pick & drop service. However, there is no detailed information about the available options.

Q: Does The Hosteller Manali provide accommodation for the driver?
A: No, accommodation for the driver is not provided at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: If not, are there any options for driver's accommodation near The Hosteller Manali?
A: No.

Q: What are the nearby/local attractions near The Hosteller Manali?
A: Some nearby/local attractions near The Hosteller Manali include Hadimba Temple, Club House, Van Vihar, Mall Road, Tibetan
Monastery, Manu Temple, and Ram Bagh Jungle Trail.

Q: Does The Hosteller Manali provide any recreational activities or tours for guests to enjoy during their stay? If yes, what are some of
the activities or tours available, and how can guests participate?
A: Yes, The Hosteller Manali provides a Bhrigu Lake trek for guests who are in a group of 4 to 5 people. The charge for this trek is
4000rs per person.

Q: Does The Hosteller Manali have a library?
A: No, there is no library at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: What indoor games are available at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Carom, Ludo, Uno, and playing cards are available as indoor games at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Are pets allowed at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes, pets are allowed at The Hosteller Manali but only private rooms. Homely pets like dogs and cats are allowed.

Q: Is there parking available within The Hosteller Manali premises?
A: Yes, there is parking available within The Hosteller Manali premises.

Q: If not, how far is the nearest parking spot, and how safe is it to park the vehicle there, and what are the charges for the same?
A: There are 2 to 3 cars parking space which is being shared by two hotels. If its fully occupied then we have to public parking and its
500meter by paying a minimal parking fee.

Q: Is power backup available at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes, power backup is available at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Does The Hosteller Manali have Wi-Fi?
A: Yes, The Hosteller Manali has Wi-Fi.

Q: If yes, is it reliable for a workation, and what is the speed?
A: Yes, the Wi-Fi at The Hosteller Manali is reliable for a workation. The speed is not specified.

Q: How is the network connectivity at The Hosteller Manali? Which network works the best?
A: The network connectivity at The Hosteller Manali is good. Jio works the best, and Airtel may have issues in some places.

Q: Does The Hosteller Manali have the AC amenity? If yes, in which room categories, common areas, etc.?
A: No.

Q: Does The Hosteller Manali have the fan amenity? If yes, in which room categories, common areas, etc.?
A: Yes, The Hosteller Manali has fan amenities in the private rooms only.

Q: Is there a dedicated smoking area at The Hosteller Manali?
A: No, The Hosteller Manali does not have a dedicated smoking area.

Q: Can guests consume alcohol at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes, but not in the dorms.

Q: Does The Hosteller Manali provide laundry services, and what are the charges?
A: Yes, minimal charges per piece of garment.

Q: How many washrooms are available in each room category at The Hosteller Manali? Kindly mention room category wise.
A: - One in each room category and one common washroom.

Q: Is there a lift in The Hosteller Manali?
A: No, there is no lift in The Hosteller Manali.

Q: How many floors does The Hosteller Manali have?
A: The Hosteller Manali has one floor.

Q: Does The Hosteller Manali have a wheelchair-accessible entrance?
A: No, The Hosteller Manali does not have a wheelchair-accessible entrance.

Q: Can guests cook their own food at The Hosteller Manali?
A: No, guests cannot cook their own food at The Hosteller Manali. However, reheating food is feasible.

Q: Can guests celebrate their special occasions at The Hosteller Manali? If yes, does the hostel help in making arrangements for the same?
A: No.

Q: Can the hostel team help in arranging a cake or decorating the room at The Hosteller Manali? If yes, what will be the charges for the same?
A: No.

Q: Is the hot water facility available 24 hours at The Hosteller Manali? If not, then what are the hot water timings?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you provide room heaters at The Hosteller Manali? If yes, what are the charges for the same?
A: Yes, room heaters are provided in private rooms at The Hosteller Manali with a charge of 300rs per night.

Q: Do you provide extra mattresses at The Hosteller Manali? If yes, in which room category, and what are the charges for the same?
A: Yes, extra mattresses are provided in private rooms at The Hosteller Manali with a charge of 500rs.

Q: Do you provide luggage assistance/bellboy services at The Hosteller Manali?
A: No, luggage assistance or bellboy services are not provided at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Can guests order outside food at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes, guests can order outside food at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Can guests smoke in the room at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Can guests drink in the room at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Can guests eat food inside the dormitory at The Hosteller Manali?
A: No. Guests cannot eat food inside the dormitory at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Can guests smoke Hukkah/Pot at The Hosteller Manali?
A:Yes, but outside area only.

Q: Do you provide barbecue services at The Hosteller Manali?
A: No.

Q: Do you provide a bonfire facility at The Hosteller Manali?
A: No.

Q: Do you provide speakers to play music at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you provide vegan food at The Hosteller Manali?
A: No.

Q: Do you provide Jain food at The Hosteller Manali?
A: No.

Q: Do you provide non-veg food at The Hosteller Manali?
A: No.

Q: Can guests with a local ID check-in at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes, guests with a local ID can check-in at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Is there a swimming pool in the hostel at The Hosteller Manali? If yes, what are the timings?
A: No, there is no swimming pool in the hostel at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Do you provide assistance for car/bike rental at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you provide assistance for activities booking like bungee jumping, river rafting, safari, etc., at The Hosteller Manali? If yes, which activities, and what are the charges?
A: No.

Q: Does the hostel have CCTV installed at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Does the hostel have an in-house cafe at The Hosteller Manali? If yes, what are the timings?
A: No.

Q: Can guests order parcels at the hostel address before their arrival date at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you provide cribs for children at The Hosteller Manali?
A: No.

Q: Do guests have to climb any stairs to reach The Hosteller Manali property? If yes, how many stairs?
A: Yes, 10 stairs.

Q: Is there a play area for children in The Hosteller Manali property?
A: No.

Q: Is housekeeping done every day at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes, housekeeping is done every day at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: What toiletries do you provide in the hostel at The Hosteller Manali? What are the charges for the same?
A: The hostel provides body wash and body lotion at a charge of 50rs.

Q: What security measures are in place at the hostel at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Fire extinguser, First aid kit.

Q: Are there lockers available for storing personal belongings at The Hosteller Manali? If yes, how many bags can fit into the locker?
A: Yes, there are lockers available in the dormitories. The number of bags that can fit into each locker are 2 bags.

Q: How is the hostel's location in terms of safety and accessibility at The Hosteller Manali?
A: The hostel's location is considered safe and accessible at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Are there any specific rules or regulations that guests need to follow at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes, as per the company policies.

Q: Is the hostel located in a central area or close to nearby attractions at The Hosteller Manali?
A: The hostel is located in a central area, close to nearby attractions at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Is the hostel location safe to travel post-sunset at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes, the hostel location is considered safe for travel post-sunset at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Is there an electronics or stationary shop in The Hosteller Manali vicinity?
A: Yes.

Q: Can the hostel team help in hiring a local tour guide for exploring nearby attractions at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes, the hostel team can assist in hiring a local tour guide for exploring nearby attractions at The Hosteller Manali.

Q: Do you provide cutlery and plates if guests order outside food at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Can guests keep their luggage in the hostel post check-out at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Can guests keep their valuables like laptops, tablets, etc., in the hostel in case they wish to go for treks at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Can guests play music in the dorms and rooms at The Hosteller Manali? If yes, until what time?
A: No.

Q: Does the hostel have Netflix/Hotstar/Prime subscription at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Does the hostel have a dedicated workspace at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Is the place safe for solo female travelers at The Hosteller Manali?
A: Yes.

Q: Is there an EV charging station nearby The Hosteller Manali? If yes, how far is it?
A: No.
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